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Seller Dashboard

The seller dashboard in “Marcateux” is the central hub for vendors to manage their online store. The dashboard is user-friendly, intuitive and provides quick access to all the essential features and functions that vendors need to run their business efficiently.

The seller dashboard includes a variety of tools to help vendors manage their products, orders, and payments. Vendors can easily create and manage their product listings, including setting prices, uploading images, and managing inventory. The order management system makes it simple to view and fulfill customer orders, while the payment gateway integration allows vendors to process payments and track their earnings.

Vendors can also access detailed reports and analytics, allowing them to see how their store is performing and make informed decisions to grow their business. The dashboard also includes a messaging system, allowing vendors to communicate with customers and resolve any issues in a timely manner.

In conclusion, the seller dashboard in “Marcateux” is a powerful and comprehensive solution for vendors to manage their online store. With its user-friendly interface, a wide range of features, and detailed reporting and analytics, the seller dashboard makes it easy for vendors to run their businesses and grow their online sales.